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    Exciting developments are on the horizon for the Acton Institute’s podcast, Radio Free Acton. New segments and new guests will be featured in the coming weeks, some of which can already be heard on Radio Free Acton’s recent editions.

    Bruce Edward Walker hosts “Upstream,” a cultural commentary segment. Gregory Wolfe, founder and editor of Image journal based in Seattle, Washington, recently appeared on the September 13th podcast as part of “Upstream” and explained the relevance and importance of expressionist painter Renée Radell. Russell Kirk, author of The Conservative Mind, praised Radell for her work participating in social commentary and conservative critique of political trends. Walker and guests will discuss movies, music and more in future episodes.

    New segments also include “Econ quiz” and “Ask an Acton expert.” On “Econ quiz,” Radio Free Acton interviews an economist to tackle one current economic problem and discuss how that problem may be understood or misunderstood by the public. For the first edition, Victor Claar, associate professor of economics at Florida Gulf Coast University, explained “price gouging” in the aftermath of natural disasters, such as hurricanes Harvey and Irma. The first edition of “Econ quiz” can be heard on the August 30th podcast.

    “Ask an Acton Expert” is an upcoming podcast segment that relies on the feedback of listeners. Would you like to know more about religious liberty, free-market economics and virtuous living? We would love to hear from you. If you have any questions you would like featured and answered by Acton staff on the podcast, leave a message at 888.705.4180 or email your question to [email protected]. We look forward to receiving your questions.

    You can now subscribe to the Radio Free Acton podcast on iTunes or Google Play at radio-free-acton.