The Acton Institute publishes both popular-level and academic books across the disciplines of theology, economics, ethics, and history. Acton Books consists of three publishing platforms: the Acton Institute imprint, Christian’s Library Press, and the Journal of Markets & Morality.
The Acton Institute imprint is the institute’s original in-house publishing outlet. This imprint includes books and monographs on a wide variety of topics across multiple disciplines. In addition to original works, collections of essays, and important reprint titles, this imprint features the Christian Social Thought Series and the Orthodox Christian Social Thought Series. Titles in these series address contemporary and perennial social, economic, and ethical issues by drawing on the rich resources of their respective traditions.
Founded in 1979 by Gerard Berghoef and Lester DeKoster, Christian’s Library Press has been committed to publishing influential texts on church leadership, the vocation of work, and stewardship for almost 40 years. The Acton Institute has administered the imprint since 2009, and the imprint has been expanded to include books on the relationship between the church and civil society, as well as academic studies and translations in the fields of economics, ethics, and law.
Journal of Markets & Morality is a peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal promotes intellectual exploration of the relationship between economics and morality from both social science and theological perspectives, and the editors welcome submission of articles written by professional scholars and graduate students in economics, theology, ethics, and philosophy.
New Releases

The Economics of the Parables
by Rev. Robert A. Sirico
Timeless and moral economic wisdom for life's choices and changes derived from the parables of the New Testament by famed free market advocate and Catholic priest Robert Sirico.
Libraries are filled with books on the parables of Christ, and rightly so. In the words of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, “While civilizations have come and gone, these stories continue to teach us anew with their freshness and their humanity.” Two millennia later, the New Testament parables remain ubiquitous, and yet, few have stopped to glean from one of Christ’s most prevalent analogies: money.
In The Economics of the Parables, Rev. Robert Sirico pulls back the veil of modernity to reveal the timeless economic wisdom of the parables. Thirteen central stories—including “The Laborers in the Vineyard,” “The Rich Fool,” “The Five Talents,” and “The Faithful Steward”—serve as his guide, revealing practical lessons in caring for the poor, stewarding wealth, distributing inheritances, navigating income disparities, and resolving family tensions.
As contemporary as any business manual and sure to outlast them, The Economics of the Parables equips any economically informed reader to uncover the enduring financial truths of the parables in a reasonable, sensible, and life-empowering manner.

A Legacy of Liberty
by Rev. Robert A. Sirico & Kris Mauren
What makes for a flourishing society?
Many people today, both religious and secular, define freedom as merely the power to do what one wants, uninhibited by morality. Many view entrepreneurship as fundamentally acquisitive, fueled by personal greed and pursued at the expense of community. Both views are eminently mistaken. Rev. Robert A. Sirico answers these critics in this new combined edition of two of his most celebrated essays. Freedom is the necessary precondition for all virtue. Entrepreneurs are the primary agents of economic progress and prosperity for all in our world today.
"I'm delighted to see my essays Toward a Free and Virtuous Society and The Entrepreneurial Vocation represented to a new generation. Kris Mauren's new introduction is an original and substantive contribution to the Acton Institute's legacy of liberty and a guide to its future."
~ Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President Emeritus and Co-founder, Acton Institute

Acton Research
Acton Research accommodates in-house and externally-based scholars from a variety of nationalities, Christian confessions, and intellectual disciplines. These disciplines include theology, philosophy, history, economics, and law. The investigations of these scholars attempt to clarify the foundations of a free, humane, and virtuous society. Their work is guided by an uncompromising commitment to human dignity, economic liberty, the recognition of the benefits of a limited government, the pursuit of truth, and the compatibility of faith and reason.

Acton Bookshop
At the Acton Bookshop, we offer books, periodicals, monographs, and media produced and written by Acton scholars and associates.