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  • ‘Contrarian: The Life of Sir John Templeton’

    Narrated by Fred Dalton Thompson and directed by award-winning filmmaker Mary Mazzio, Contrarian chronicles the life of philanthropist and legendary investor, John Templeton, who ranks among the top investors of all time, alongside Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch. In fact, long before Buffett and Lynch were on the radar, thousands of people were trekking to Templeton’s annual meetings – making Templeton the first true rock star investor.
  • Film screening of ‘Rockin’ the Wall’

    Acton Film Series: Did Music change the world? ‘Rockin’ the Wall’ is the compelling story of rock and roll's part in bringing down the Berlin Wall and smashing the Iron Curtain. Told from the perspective of rockers who played at the time, on both sides of the Wall, and from survivors of the communist regimes who recalled the lifeline that rock music provided them, Rockin' the Wall features new interviews and several original songs written exclusively for the film.
  • C.S. Lewis and Liberty

    One of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century, C. S. Lewis was a scholar at Oxford University for three decades and then a professor of Medieval and Renaissance literature at Cambridge University until the end of his career. An atheist throughout his early life, he converted to Christianity in 1931. He is not generally known as a political or economic commentator and usually avoided partisan commitments. Yet, in spite of his indifference to politics as such, he did often give prescient analysis of a variety of political topics.
  • A Night at the Movies in Chicago with Acton featuring Poverty, Inc.

    The business of doing good has never been better. The West has positioned itself as the protagonist of development, giving rise to a vast multi-billion dollar poverty industry. Yet the results have been mixed, in some cases even catastrophic, and leaders in the developing world are growing increasingly vocal in calling for change.
  • The Relationship between Religious and Economic Liberty in an Age of Expanding Government

    Throughout Western developed nations, there is dawning recognition that robust protections for religious liberty can no longer be taken for granted. Less understood are the ways in which infringements of other political, civil and commercial forms of freedom can subtly undermine religious liberty: but also vice-versa. Businesses and other institutions of civil society now need to consider how the restrictions of religious freedom by governments throughout the Western world is likely to affect them. What then is the relationship of religious liberty to other expressions of freedom?
  • Saving the First Freedom: Religious Liberty in the Age of Big Government - Live via Satellite

    Throughout Western developed nations, there is dawning recognition that robust protections for religious liberty can no longer be taken for granted. Less understood are the ways in which infringements of other political, civil and commercial forms of freedom can subtly undermine religious liberty: but also vice-versa. Businesses and other institutions of civil society now need to consider how the restrictions of religious freedom by governments throughout the Western world is likely to affect them. What then is the relationship of religious liberty to other expressions of freedom?
  • Symposium on Common Grace in Business

    Members of the faith, business, and academic communities are invited to the Symposium on Common Grace: What it Means and Why it Matters, a one-day conference exploring Abraham Kuyper's works on common grace and how it applies to various business disciplines. The event will also celebrate the publication of the Acton Institute's first translation of Kuyper's works on common grace into English.