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Sirico Parables book

Visit the Golden Sea website for more information on the monograph, film, and exhibition.

Makoto Fujimura is an artist, writer, and speaker who is recognized worldwide as a cultural shaper. A Presidential appointee to the National Council on the Arts from 2003-2009, Fujimura served as an international advocate for the arts, speaking with decision makers and advising governmental policies on the arts.

Fujimura’s second book, Refractions: A Journey of Faith, Art and Culture, is a collection of essays bringing together people of all backgrounds in a conversation and meditation on culture, art, and humanity. In celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible, Crossway Publishing commissioned and published The Four Holy Gospels, featuring Fujimura’s illuminations of the sacred texts. His latest project, The Golden Sea, is a major mid-career project by Fujimura. It takes its name from a series of paintings by the artist, and in addition to painted works, the project comprises a published retrospective monograph containing images of his paintings with accompanying essays by leading critics and scholars and a biographical documentary film featuring interviews with Fujimura and his colleagues. It was featured at Acton University 2014 to rave reviews.

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